Friday 21 January 2011

Season 2, Episode 6- A Stitch in Crime

Leonard Nimoy is Dr. Mayfield. He’s a top doctor, pioneering top new surgical procedures. His partner Dr. Hyderman thinks they need more tests but Mayfield is impatient for the glory that revolutionary surgical techniques inevitably bring. Unfortunately Hyderman needs an operation that only Mayfield can perform. It seems to go well but attending nurse Sharon is suspicious of the suture. Oh nurse Sharon, should’ve kept your mouth shut, now Leonard Nimoy has to batter you with a crowbar.
Columbo appears at 14 minutes and 11 seconds, investigating the murder of nurse Sharon. Nimoy has set it up to look like a drugs murder but Columbo isn’t fooled. Dr Hyderman is still hanging on but it’s only a matter of time before the special sutures used by Mayfield disintegrate thus killing him. Mayfield has to get them out if the suspicious Columbo carries on hanging around.
There’s no real columboid as smug-o Nimoy* makes the mistake of hiding the evidence in Columbo’s pocket in the mistaken belief it’s the last place he’d look.
During this episode we learn that Columbo suffers stomach upsets and doesn’t like watching people have their colons sutured.
During this episode I hid my now empty goldfish bowl. Looking at it made me sad. Rest in peace, sweet David.

*I actually really like Nimoy, he’s just smug in this. Like most Columbo villains.

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